I have two dogs on Banfield's wellness plans. I never get charged when I go to the vet and I can go as often as they need. I take them twice a year for what we call "spa" days -- I drop them off at 8 am and pick them up at 6 pm. They've had their shots, I pay $8 to clip their nails, and then we go home after having paid nothing for the vet services. I do pay for my dog's thyroid medicine (at a discount) but all the shots and visits up till now have been included in my monthly fee. I've never had one of those surprises where the visit cost $400 unplanned out of my family budget like at traditional vets. In fact, one of my dogs needed major surgery a while back and the cost difference between the emergency regular vet we took her to originally and Banfield saved us $4,000. We paid only $1,200 and it saved her life. Banfield Rocks!