I have gone through three lawyers in my life and know several through the restaurant. Sean Branigan has represented me and my people for three years now. I don't trust anyone else to act cool and say the right things when I am not there. He never told our customers what was going on when I was having legal problems. I got into a fight with him last month - he was kind of right though. He told my son to shut up when he was being a big mouth in court. Sean Branigan took him outside and straightened him out. He demanded my son show respect for the court and its employees. My son is a hot headed football kicker and is hard to control. I was upset at first with the firm but now understand what really happened. At least it was in private. My son is still my son. Sean Branigan still protected him from the wolves and got him home with his license and and a dismissal. He also got me better visitation with my daughter and saved me $3,000 per month in alimony that I did not even have to pay two years ago. When the dust settles this crew does what they have to for their clients. I can give credit where credit is due. These guys can be trusted.
Pros: Gets it done - damage control expert
Cons: a little rough around the edges