$18 to do a simple hem on a pair of pants! Out of control. I should have done it myself. Maybe he is worth it for upscale alterations but something that simple? I dropped the pants off and asked how much they would be on the way out the door. I'm a mother on a tight budget. I kicked myself all the way home for leaving 2 pairs of pants there. I decided I would go back the next day and get them back since he also said it would take a week to hem the pants. I went back the next day and they were already done. He did a nice job. But so has every other place I've ever taken pants to be hemmed and I've never paid over $12. He only took cash so I had to go get cash and then i thought it was very tacky that when I paid he pulled out a big roll of money from his pocket to give me my 2 bucks instead of ringing it up on the register or anything like that. Just kinda rubbed in what a killing he must be making ripping off poor suckers like myself.
Pros: nice job
Cons: overpriced