You interpreted totally incorrectly why Dr. Roller was wishing to see you on a regular basis. I have worked in the business world and that?s? how I am aware that a chiropractic office operates. My best friends are chiropractors in WA State. My friends phone forward to her home when their office is closed. I have seen her cry because she is exhausted from helping patients on their day off their phone rings up to 50 times in one day. Could you handle this? Some idiots call at 2a.m. in the morning.
Its like I tell my students in school I did not pay thousands of dollars and years of education to babysit I am there to teach, and so lets give Dr. Roller the respect he deserves for the hours and thousands of dollars he invested going to college. Next time your back hurts who are you going call or blame for your woes. If one looks for the positive in any situation they will see it, When one looks for the negative in any situation that is what they will find.
Mr. Driver SLC
Part-time Local Educator