If you do not know about this company - you need to. It's unbelievable!!! I found them through a local event in Hermosa and they have spas all over the state now. You can get 4 visits to a spa for only 65 bucks. Hello? Can you hear me out there? Things like facials, expensive laser treatments, massages, hot stone - all good stuff. And you can choose a charity or school for a portion of the cost ($15) to go to when you shop on their website. That certainly takes the sting out of shopping this holiday season. LOL
I bought a few for gifts already this year and they loved them. I'm on their preferred list now so I get great updates ;)
Check it out - you won't be sorry. I'm not!
Pros: More and more spas to choose from on their site, really friendly people at the company, reputable company
Cons: Want more spas that are Eco-friendly ;)