It is a bit smokey in there, and I myself smoke! I have been going there for years- and what bothers me the most is when your group orders something, the waitress will stack the plates all across his/her arm and when you get your food, there is a big indention in your pancakes, toast, hashbrowns.. whatever- of the plate they had stacked on top of it when they were walking it to your table. I HATE IT. It is disgusting that they had the bottom of a plate on my food. I dont know about you, but i have worked in restaurants and I know what goes on in a kitchen, and I do not want the bottom of the plate on my food. Also, they cannot add sometimes. My family orders the EXACT same thing every single time we go there and the check is different every time- LOL. One time we even went with with a friend and told them to split the check. The split checks together added up to 20 dollars more than the original check actually was. That was the last straw for me. It is crazy that they can not even get my check right- at any given time.
Pros: good tasting food
Cons: check will be different every time, they will stack plates leaving a big imprint on your food