Honestly the previous reviewer ( you know the one who had the potty mouth), has got to get a life! He really had to come home from supposedly eating at the Tuscan Grill and write 5 reviews? Honestly. \r
1.) if you were so disappointed why did you not say anything to the server, hostess, manager? (there was no mention you did) and if you HAD... I think that you would have written about it. Hmm, sounds like you made just a *tiny** bit up, if not everything.\r
2.) do you really miss your creative writing class that bad?\r
3.) Even if you are very descriptive, you can't keep your writing out of the gutter, which shows your low class, and no one likes a loser.\r
Now run along to your miserable life.
Pros: great food
Cons: can be a bit noisy on weekends