be very careful when you make a purchase from best buy that if you need to return a product that you do so within 30 days. I was sold $79 speaker brackets that were not needed since the speakers they sold me came with brackets. I tried to return the brackets after 30 days was up and they refused to take them no matter how much I asked. They were inflexible and didn't care that their sales person sold me something that I didn't need in the first place. On top of this, I went to purchase a DVD player after them not taking my return and the sales clerk was such a smart ellick that I walked away from the sale. Brandon Kelley the manager of this store needs to get that place together if economic times are as tough as they say. If you are getting to get bad service, might as well shop online and get it for cheaper.
Pros: you can see products on the shelf
Cons: bad service