I have been a patient of Dr. Graves for 7 years. After reading through some of the reviews I feel like I must say that I love being a patient at Advocates. I have delivered 2 children and am currently pregnant with my 3rd. I enjoy going to this office for many reasons... friendly staff, caring Drs and it is an all women practice which makes me very comfortable. In my 7 years with Dr Graves I have only had 2 or 3 appointments where I didn't see her and had to see another Dr (only because she was out on delivery). I have met with each Dr in the practice (at some point in time over the years) and feel like each one is very caring and knowledgable. I have watched this practice grow and would like to congratulate the Drs, nurses and office staff on their hard work. From time to time we all have things going on in our lives that cause change and I feel that a Drs office is no different; sometimes we all have to be understanding and realize that life happens.