I started working with Drive Time in mid September for a car loan. A couple of days prior to September 20th I was told I was approved. I went down to Marietta Drive Time and picked out a car that the sales person told me was within the limit of the loan that I was approved. They took and had me fill out all the paperwork for the car along with the proof of insurance and took the $900 down payment and sent me home with the car. The first payment was due October 11th and I made the payment on October 3rd. The check cleared the bank October 8th. On October 14th I was called by the manager at Marietta Drive Time and told that the car was to be in the parking lot as soon as possible. I tried to understand what was going on since all the paperwork was in order and the payment was made on time, but they would say nothing but the loan was not approved. This was over three weeks since the purchase and I was confused. This morning once again I was told to have the car at their dealership and a police officer was sent to escort me to the dealership. I felt like a common criminal. They would not discuss any form of refund and so I have had to consult with a lawyer. How many other people has Drive Time done this too? Is this the way people should be treated since most are like me with limited resources? Is this something they do to people who receive disability? If you feel there could be others in this same situation or could become in this situation please help put a stop to it. With the current economic crisis many others will need vehicles before there credit is restored and they too are possible targets for this kind of action.\r