I was desperate to find a seamstress cause I had to get my MOH dress done in a week. When i looked on city search I saw that she often agreed on a week. The first question I asked was if I could get in a week and she said yes without hesitation. I put the dress on and she started pinning. she is very patient. I wanted everything to be perfect since this is my best friends wedding. We couldn't get the thing right cause it's a bit of a complex dress. I need the hem brought up but it was kind of like curtains bunched so you can't jsut bring the hem up. she got that perfect. then I also needed to bring in at the very top since it was a strapless dress. unfortunately, there are wires all over up there so that made it difficult. It was kind of a quick fix and it turned out a little tight. skin hangs over but i needed it so i can deal with that. and because of the funky design there is now a funky line where she had to hem it. in all honesty, for a week and a complex dress, i say she did good. jsut wish it wasn't so tight. but i will use her again.
Pros: quick and friendly service
Cons: didn't get a call when it was done, sewed the top a little too tight