?Your Community Yellow Pages? or YCYP, sold our company advertising in a home improvement magazine. YCYP shrunk the size of the magazine from 8? x 11? to 5? x 8? to that of a pamphlet without our knowledge. YCYP mailed to only 3 of the 4 areas we contracted for. YCYP invoiced for issues that were never mailed. YCYP missed mail dates and never informed us. YCYP deleted entire areas of distribution and never informed us. YCYP were erroneously paid and has not refunded the over payment. YCYP promised to correct the mistakes only when we filed a legal action against them. YCYP never followed up with corrective measures. YCYP attached our Vice President?s personal credit report 4 times for non-payment even though we?ve overpaid. YCYP owns the collections agency that did this. Keep in mind our company paid for issues that were never sent and we were due a refund. YCYP is nonresponsive and has many similar complaints filed against it on other sites. Our company spends over $800,000.00 per year in advertising and never once have we has such a negative experience with our advertising suppliers
Pros: Sounded like a cheap form of advertising
Cons: Cheated out of deposit & will not refund over payment. Owns it's own collection agency.