As a owner of a local Riverside business for the past 22 years I have done business with 3 different books per year or 66 contracts with no problems. Then ""YOUR COMMUNITY YELLOW PAGES"" Temecula comes thru my front door. Problem #1 sales rep needs a deposite. A bit unusual but ok I give the deposite. To my surprise he's written the contract with NO DATE OF PUBLICATION. What is NORMALLY Billed monthly after the book comes out. They start billing immediately I have not even received an ad proof. When I got my proof, my company name was wrong this happened 3 times All the while this joke of a company has their in house bill collection Co. making threats to me. So I talk to the owner Tony Smart, I explain the problems he was very understanding of my concerns to prepay a company incapable of producing an error free ad proof plus the contract has no publication date and whats the deposite for if they're going to start billing right away.Tony Smart (owner) assures me he will get my ad error free and my bill will be monthly when the book comes out. This should have been the end of the story but due to an owner with no intigraty the in house bill collector (owned by YCYP) has put negative entries on my formerly excellent credit history and tony smart refuses to return or accept my calls and his billing dept tells me tony smart lied to me and to pay them. SORRY But I'm Not Paying Til I See This Book On The Street. With the many STUPID mistakes they made, and the promises owner Tony Smart made me that he won't honor this company will be out of business very soon.