Our cat was sent to Oradell by another hospital because he required microscopic surgery on his ureters from crystal build up. Oradell kept the cat there until he was ready for some test. We were told that the surgery was going to be around $8,000. It turned out that it was worse than we thought and one of his kidneys was showing signs of failure. At that point in time, my husband and I wanted to weigh out our decision on what type of quality of life he could have if he needed a kidney removed. We were talking to the vet and we said that if he needed that type of surgery, we might consider putting him down. We talked it over with the vet (really several vets because we never got the same one) and they understood our position. They explained to us what we could expect years down the road if we did remove his kidney. Low and behold, the run some tests and his kidney showed signs function and didn't need to be removed afterall. So we decide to go ahead with the surgery. The surgery ended u