Alright, a few weeks ago I went to Details where I went to only after reading everyones reviews. When I read about ""Jessica"" charging high prices I was worried I couldnt afford it, but when I called and asked the prices for ""Jesse"" (NOT Jessica) I found out that she is really reasonable! So, I was all nervous (who chooses a stylist on a strangers review??) but this chick was all rubbing my scalp (all t.v. show style) and asking me what I do and what I like, etc, all friendly. All in all, I had a kick butt experience. Possible, the best couple of hours out of the house that week (for those with kids, you understand). My hair still looks fabulous. I look hot and Im not ashamed to admit it. I felt so damn good leaving that salon, so good.
Pros: Jesse, free water/coffee/tea, smells good, All Aveda products
Cons: Parking