If you enjoy receiving monthly eviction notices because the office cannot keep track of payments, if you enjoy living in units that are in need of repair but never happens, if you like to step in dog poo, I can go on but you get the point. I have never encountered a more incompetent office staff and property manager who are rude and condenscending - they treat you as if you were the stupid one and definitely do not understand the concept of customer service, completing maintenance, proper accounting records, keeping promises - they basically do not care about anyone there. We receive an eviction notice each month because they cannot keep track of payments. They should be glad I am such a good tenant and pay ALL AMOUNTS on time, never a late fee. I should be charging them for the lack of maintenance and ELECTRICITY CHARGES - there is NO INSULATION in these units. My closet is a meat locker, I should turn off the refrigerator!!!!!