Worst decesion we ever made was signing a contract with Kerber Pool's. We have 27 cracks in 32 pieces of pour in place Coping. Kerber tells us that's normal, concrete cracks, 27 times within 1 month? HMMM?They also tried to get us to pay upfront .That's illegal we later found out.Log on CSLB and read ""before you hire a pool contractor"" section. If your having Kerber problems file a compliant with CSLB or call 562-345-7552, ask for Elizabeth Reeves. Don't let there in house attorney scare you. I wonder why they need an in house attorney? Could it be all the complaints against them filed with the CSLB. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN! If you need a good and honest pool Contractor call OC Pools, Damien 714-348-7665.