Years ago when Dr. Stetz was new here and Dr. Dieter's schedule was full we saw Dr. Stetz a few times. She was not very sharp or friendly, does not really connect with the animal or the owner. Then the dachsund was suddenly lame, we had to see Dr. Stetz, she said a UTI. It turned out to be two ruptured discs. After 2 days of UTI treatment and the inability to urinate, we demanded to see Dr. Dieter, and he sent us to PENN stat for surgery. A few more hours and he would have died from not urinating. Two or three years ago Dr. Stetz bought the practise from Dr. Dieter, then fired him. Now I never see a car in the lot. Everyone has her number. She is a ROTTEN vet, and should have no license to practise veterinary medicine.