I have always been a ""support local business"" when i can. I dont buy as many games as i used to but i am trying to get my family into a house that we own. Enough about me though. I took my oldest in to the store there and it was like being at a funeral. Before hand that store had TONS of games and it would take hours to go though them all and even the guy that was in place was in a better mood. \r
All thats there now is used games and not even good ones at that. The shelves are almost bare and there is nothing in the bins in the middle. I asked the question about DS games and i was told he was all out. Thats it. Nothing else. Nothing to try to say that he will get more games so i can come back. \r
I did find a game that was 5 bucks cheaper there but i did not buy it. There is no energy in that place at all. TV is playing fox28 and not well. No music nothing to make you feel welcome. I give this 1 star due to the fact that i have to assign it at least one star. \r
I dont know where you are Brandon but know this, your store is in the crapper. Its sad cause at one point that was the place to get games. Good prices and fantastic service. Brandon was a very likable guy and you felt good supporting him and local business. \r
Conclusion: its a long drawn out funeral that sucks.It is a shell of what it used to be. It is sad.
Pros: The end.
Cons: Going in.