Steppin Stone Entertainment Studios is a great place to go if you are looking to make it big in the entertainment business. the artists there sing, write, create, and offer much excitement. The CEO and owner demetrice Faire is a wonderful person. She is patient and she offers highly respected advice and suggestions on how to further your carreer. Demetrice is an artist in her own right. having traveled the world many times over she has a wealth of knowledge to offer. The attention to detail and to fine tuning your product is unwavering. She is dedicated and uses the most up to date and advanced equiptment there is. I give them 2 thumbs up. A 5 star experience to say the least. I'll be returning soon. Also don't forget to checkout her web site on myspace steppinstoneentertainment. {don't forget to click on the icon to here the music. It's very informative.
Pros: Thumbs up - great time!
Cons: More people shold know about it