I recently met the CEO and owner of the studios Demetrice Faire. What a wonderful person. Fun, energetic, charismatic, and down to earth. You really feel like part of the family when you are there. Just being in the presence of someone so well traveled. The years in Japan, Europe, Hawaii, and the list goes on. However, now the focus is strickly on the cliant. Come prepared to work hard and the results will show immediately. The equiptment is up to date and the vocals and demos are crazy insane. You get out what you put in. This was the most fun and the best product I ever got out of a studio and myself. the staff is dedicated and they strive to make the end result successful. Just hearing your music and listening to it over the radio was fabu. I recommend the studio for the equiptment, atmosphere, and the dedication and hard work of demetrice and her staff. Their latest project is a video to make people aware of the social injustice were experienceing from this war. Go to you tube and type in steppin' stone entertainment and you will see it. They need a lot of hits to make a difference to listen to it over and over again. You can make a difference. You can also go to myspace steppin' stone entertainment and the web site should come up. There are number of ways you can watch it. Just make sure you watch it and make a difference. Concidering what Demetrice has done for me it's the least I can do.
Here's to steppin' stone and being all you can be!
Texas (the sky is the limit)
Pros: Wonderul place to demo a song and great equiptment/ Book some studio time
Cons: Not enough people are hearing the "president song" go on the website and listen