Warner Avenue Baptist Church is an extremely conservative church and that can be ok if it is done in love and calling fellow brothers and sisters to a higher calling but unfortunately Warner Avenue Baptist Church has split more times than I have hairs on my head. The pastor is kind and friendly, although very quiet, has no spine, allows people to walk all over him as he does not want to be confrontational, his sermons are boring and it is difficult to stay awake during services. \r
Their music programs are very good with lots of talented young people participating. When you first visit this church it will seem like it is a friendly church but it will not take long to see the critical spirit of the members. Current members vote on all new members and if you do not fall in line with their teachings exactly ? you will be ?talked about?, judged and not permitted membership; but at that point there is no desire to want to belong to such a church. I have seen so many good families and friends come and go and to hear the members gossip about those that do not meet their ?standards? and is difficult, challenging and hurtful to see fellow-Christians that are seeking a home church to be treated in such an unChrist-like manner.\r
If this church was to take a step back, evaluate how they treat guest, visitors, those seeking membership, and one another they may have the change to grow and continue to grow rather than continue to have the church split, split, and split. There is a strong spirit of self-righteousness that fills the church stronger than any Holy Spirit that may desire to move and work in the Body of Christ. \r
In my opinion, it is better that churches such as this be closed rather than continue to hurt more members of the Body of Christ.\r
Thank you for allowing me this platform in order to give my opinion and it is just that? my opinion. I would not recommend this church to anyone!\r
Pros: Excellent music program with talented youth
Cons: Judgment members that gossip and are extremely critical