I probably would not have posted this except that it's not easy to see the only review of one's church suggesting it be closed. I've gone to this church my whole life and am baffled by much of what growing2flower has to say. Most of these accusations would be laughable if they weren't so serious. \r
I remember no church splits at any time, though, the definition of a 'split' can vary, I guess. The only incident I can remember in the past 20 years resembling a split was a few families having disagreements over personal issues. A couple of the main families left immediately, and a couple of others either joined another church fellowship or moved out of state. Although small in number, our church has only been blessed since then. God's obvious working in the church would be puzzling with numerous church splits it seems to me. \r
Our music ministry members strive to play and sing for God's glory alone. Our values are conservative and we play almost entirely old hymns. Four years ago, we started SWORD ministries (S.eeking W.ords O.f R.ighteousness D.aily), a children's program on Wednesday nights designed to draw kids closer to each other, their team leaders and most importantly, to Jesus Christ. The Word of God is held high, with Bible study and memorization as a major focus. We aren't perfect, but God has visibly blessed us. As for growing2flower, I don't know why he/she feels so bitter, but I hope God changes their heart. Lve in the area? Come by and see us for yourself. We're always happy to see new folks! :) \r
Our website (link cannot be posted in courtesy of citysearch policy) which can searched for online keeps archives of recent sermons, so you can decide for yourself if the sermons are 'boring' and 'sleep-inducing'. I could say more about the Pastor, but I'd probably seem biased since he's my Dad. Simply put, I could not disagree more with the above writer's view of him.