Do not get a bikini wax at Bliss Spa! I?ve had two bad experiences with this chain. I'm sure you're wondering, "why did you go back a 2nd time, if you had a bad experience the 1st time?"...but I tried to give Bliss the benefit of the doubt. My first experience was at Bliss 57; my second experience was at Bliss 49. In both instances, I was up-sold while getting a Bikini Wax. Imagine it, you are on the table--completely naked--in a vulnerable position--and you are up-sold from a basic bikini wax to a brazilian bikini wax! A $30 price difference! Clearly this is standard practice at Bliss, since it happen at two different locations, and with two different technicians.
There are plenty of other places in the city you can get this service without the sales pitch.
Pros: location
Cons: Sterile environment, up-selling