I'm on my 6th treatment for lower legs and have not seen a difference. The technician promises that the nth treatment is where ""customers always see results"" where n is the treatment that I'm on....no changes have been made in settings to try to vary the results because the laser is supposedly self adjusting to the treatment area and conditions. I'm fair skinned with medium brown hair, supposedly the ""ideal candidate"". Several times the technician working on me has told me to ""hold on"" because the laser is overheating. This, to me, is the sign of poor equipment. \r
The problem is, they have a ""no refund"" policy so it looks like I am just out $1300. Can't say I'm totally thrilled, as so far it seems that this has been a waste of about 12 hours of my time plus the cost of the treatment. Although their two year guarantee sounds great, it doesn't mean a lot if the original treatment was not carried out successfully. Be very careful when considering purchasing packages from this business.
Pros: 2 year guarantee
Cons: of what???