As a successful working actor in Los Angeles, I have attended countless classes all over town. The place I keep coming back to is Scott Sedita Acting Studios. I must have taken almost every class they offer. If you are at all interested in working in Sitcoms, ""The One-Day Comedy Intensive with Scott Sedita"" is a must for your resume. I've actually read breakdowns that said not to bother submitting if you haven't taken it. I'm currently in the on-camera comedy maintenance class with Todd Rohrbacher, and I can't wait for class every week. I started out in Scott Tiler's Nuts & Bolts class and then spent some time his on-camera TV and Film Drama class. He really brought me out of my shell, and made me realize that acting is my passion and what I want to do with my life! His emotional exercises are the perfect way to wipe away the stress of the day, and open up! I would recommend this place to ANYONE!
Pros: great instructors and staff, clean state-of-the-art studio, affordable, work a lot each class, easy parking