(continued) he would sit and stare up at the ceiling for 20 minutes without a word.i would chime in and he would yell at me (shut up im thinking)i would hold back from telling this mother f-er off because i committed to having this room built by this hack i had to see it through. but believe me i was going to sit this @sshole down when the last nail was in to tell him he will never speak to me like i was his kid and if he was going to be offended (which he told me on numerous occasions) by my suggestions whether it be building the room or writing songs we would neve work together....i would just pay him for his work and be done with him. i guess all in all it is better that i found out before i went into business with this guy and before the room fell down. he kept saying, ""im starting to think that coming back to L.A. is the biggest mistake of my life"" no way franky boy...walking away from this and going back to nashville is the biggest mistake of your life!!! a little advice.....get off the meds bro!!!!