My wife had recently severely sprained her ankle and was first diagnosed as broken by the urgent care physician. He sent her to Mercy Anderson Hospital where she had to stay for 4 days. After being examined by a specialist he diagnosed that the breaks on the X-rays were from an old break that she had several years back and that the ankle was severely sprained but due to the nature of the sprain and the old scaring from the previou break which has developed arthritis, that she would have to wear a boot cast for several months. she was recently released to go back to work where she has to stand almost 8 hrs. a day, when she got home her ankle was in a lot of pain, enough to bring tears to her eyes. So we thought that perhaps we could go to the urgent care to see if they could do something to ease the pain. After wait for three hours she got in to see the attending doctor. He said he would have to examine the ankle. All he did was look at it and without further examination, he told her that there was no swelling and that she was just faking it to get narcotics and that she must be a junkie. I can assue you that his accusations were far from the truth. I also could not believe that a doctor could show so little compassion and caring for a persons well-being as he did. It was totally opposite from what I thought a doctor was supposed to do. So if you need to receive professional doctors care I would suggest going some place other than the urgent care on Ohio Pk. You can get more compassion on any street corner than you could there.\r
Cons: unprofessional Doctor