This is my story... i signed a contract in october but never recieved a copy of it and paid no money up front. i decided to terminate the contract maybe a week later because i was 7 months pregnant at the time and a trainer i know said i shouldn't start working out since i hadnt been so far in my pregnancy plus i found a way better gym! So i called and they said no i explained to them the situation and finally a manager said she would try and take care of it sor me, she said she knew what i was going thru, she also said she would get back to me.. well i had heard nothing from them and recieved no bills so i assumed she took care of it. well on december 11th i get a phone call tellling me that there was a billing error and i owed them for 2 months of service and i was being sent to collections.. well i never even went and worked out at LPF one time.. i have done all i could to terminate this but they wont budge. i could understand not letting me out of my contract had i been to the gym and just decided i didnt want to go anymore or if i had in some way cost them money but thats not the case.. i didnt even have a copy of the contract i never recieved one so i didnt know i only had like 3 days to cancel.. so i have sent them another letter and i am also thinking about taking them to court for defamation.. they knew i hadnt recieved a bill due to an error that occured with their billing department and i had no way of knowing i owed this money and they sent me to collections.. they are destroying my credit and have no right to do so by them doing this all my credit card rates can go up and i can be turned down because now i have a negative on my credit report.. Dont waste your time or money on that gym! They are out to make money they arent trying to help anyone but themselves and thats the truth! beware of LPF!
Pros: none!
Cons: everything! cotract is horrible, staff is not helpful! billing department has lost their mind!