I go to the Daily Grind on Saturday mornings not by choice. My running group or should I say one person in the running group really likes going to the daily grind for what reason we all don't know (habit we think). After this past weekend we are going to force this runner to go with us to a place that has good service, food, and better prices for what you get. This past Saturday we got there as they were unlocking the doors at 8am. Ordered the food and waited and waited until we finally had to ask the management where our food was. We told her that it had be adequate time to bring the food and she was taken back that we were asking. Others who had come in after us were eating their food, but we were patiently waiting for our food. We had some of the same food that other people ordered after us. Several times we go there and they are out of coffee or soda. This week they were out of sausage. They are always out of something. The manager is NOT friendly. She was the person this week that was taken back when we asked where the food was. I like the oatmeal but the super sized bowl they sale is way too big for me to eat. I hate to waste food so i have tried to order the cup or small bowl size. This is not on the menu, but i have seen people order this and get it. Well, one morning i ordered the smaller size. The super sized bowl came out to me instead of the smaller size. I looked at my ticket and she had charged me the super size. I know i asked for the smaller one. This woman never likes to let you get the smaller size. They make more $$$ selling the larger size b/c the cost of the food whether small or large is the same and if they can charge more than they make more. I eat out a lot w/ my job. I never write a review unless the experience was fantastic and deserves to be highlighted or the experience was terrible. This place is a terrible place to eat for breakfast. I am not sure about other times of the day. Looking forward to no more Daily Grind on Sat.!
Pros: It is close to where my running group meets on Sat. mornings
Cons: parking, service, food, price, not clean, value and always out of something