I took my iguana here when he had some lumps forming on the skin on his stomache, at first I liked this vet because he knew exactly what to give my Dino and then it cleared up shortly after. But then I took him after another incident where he may have fractured his leg and I had to pay $96 for the doctor to take an x-ray and tell me his calcium was low and to feed him romaine lettuce and broccoli to boost it up. Now any iguana owner out there should know that you do NOT feed your iguana lettuce at all! There is not NEARLY enough nutrients in it for them. This vet clearly had no idea what he was talking about. So I took matters into my own hands and did some research and boosted him calcium up my self. I will never take him back there. Someone contact me if you know of any good Lizard vets out there. THANKS!