September 7, 2005\r
To the Doctors and Staff at Crest Hill Animal Hospital:\r
When I looked up the definition of ?hospital? I found that the term refers to a facility that admits patients and keeps them until they are able or should go home. These are called inpatients.\r
A ?clinic? on the other hand has patients that come in for diagnosis and/or therapy and then leave (outpatients).\r
So why am I telling you this, because as I am heartbroken, crushed and mad as well. Our family?s beloved dog, Reba, died Sunday after being released Saturday afternoon from your facility because you were closing for the weekend and as Monday was a holiday would not be open until Tuesday. Well my Reba didn?t last 24 hours after being released.\r
Reba had suffered a pancreatic attack that was very serious and was in fact life threatening. My dog was sent home with an IV bag and needle to be used subcutaneously if needed on Sunday and Monday by us, non medical people, who in retrospect di