As a Holistic Heath Counselor,I joined the Dahn Yoga,at first to be able to practice a physical exercise to maintain my good health and flexibility as I always suggest to my clients. In just few month,I not only saw my body changing and becoming more flexible but I also noticed the same improvement in my mind. My \r
brain seems to function more clearly. I am now able to be much more centered and control my personal\r
emotions and thoughts; and this way help them at a deeper level. In the teachers and students of the dahn center,I have found so many nice and interesting friends. I often find myself running to the center for my class, even if I am very tired or busy, with the certainty each time it will be a fantastic hour, and I will find smiles and hugs waiting for me.
Pros: Relaxed and peaceful atmosphere.
Cons: Entry door is very heavy - but good for your arm muscles.