Felix Design Studio is a chic yet non-pretentious, no pressure day spa and salon, a one-stop-shop, really. They carry hair products, a fabulous makeup line, artwork, jewelry and other unique gifts. The salon from the outside is just as beautiful inside. As soon as you walk in through the double glass doors, you are greeted with smiles and offered refreshments on real glasses, no cheesy styrofoam cups in this establishment. The decor is contemporary; walls are lined with art, some for sale and some for customers to enjoy. The stylists are very friendly and energetic, my personal fave, Antonio always takes good care of my hair. I?ve been to many salons in the LA area, and I must say, I never walk out of Felix Design Studio disappointed with my do. The location is a bit far for most. I made the trek from the valley but I was not disappointed. The locale is great, next to a nice mall with unique shops and restaurants. It is the best-kept secret of the South Bay.
Pros: Music, art, hair, make-up, plenty of parking