If you didn't know this store existed, you could easily pass it by...which is probably why there aren't more people shopping here. I found this place when I worked in a building down the street. It also helped that it was next door to my favorite lunch spot, Yahaira's. Anyway...the ladies who work in this store really know their tea. They always have a few samples brewed ready for tasing. They'll bring down any can for you to sniff...and will sometimes offer to brew some for you. In addition to the wonderful teas, they sell beautiful tea sets, from traditional Japanese ceremony sets to more modern designs. I always enter this store just to get some tea...and usually leave with a new set of cups, or a trinket for the house...something. I bought thank you gifts here for my cousins who flew from Hawaii for my wedding. Just small jewelry pieces for them and their sisters. I also bought cans of tea for each of them... maybe I'll head over there tomorrow...again.