I recently had cataract and crystalens surgery. I had put off having anything done for nearly two years. In the mean time, because of being diabetic, I not only was putting my health at risk but damage was being done to my eyes. I was going blind. I went back to Dr. Mahootchi thinking I could just get new glasses. Well, he saw right through that idea and straightened me out real quick on the subject. He suggested I get with the program and do something about both my diabetes and my eye sight. He also suggested I not drive until my eye sight was corrected--my family supported him on that one! So within a couple of weeks I had the left eye operated on and then three weeks later the right eye. The next morning appointments showed I had 20/20 vision each time. All of my fears of having someone do anything to my eyes was very unfounded. I experienced no pain during either surgery which was performed at Florida Hospital in Zephyrhills, Florida. I live in San Antonio, Florida so The Eye Clinic of Florida and the hospital are only about a 20 minute drive for me. No matter how far the drive, it would be well worth it. The staff at The Eye Clinic is very professional, extremely knowledgeable, courteous and caring. They made me feel comfortable as well as giving me verbal and written instructions on the care of my eyes with each visit. I feel Dr. Mahootchi has an excellent reputation which he values highly. I did not expect my experience with eye surgery to be such an ""eye opener""! I am so thankful Dr. Mahootchi is my doctor and I have my eyesight once again and can enjoy the simple things in life again and without glasses. I recommend Dr. Mahootchi and his staff to anyone who needs quality eye care.\r
Thanks to you, Dr. Mahootchi, and to your team!\r
B.Roenicke-San Antonio, Florida