I recieved a gift certificate for $25.00 to Cocoanut Jewelry from a friend. A very nice gesture. I am familiar with the store seeing them in the various malls in the Richmond area. The first thought that came to mind when I opened it was how nice of my friend, the second was I remembered that every time I walked in this store that I would walk right back out. I recalled thinking they jewlery looked a bit cheap and poorly crafted, and not to mention VERY overpriced for what you are getting. I am used to going to PENELOPE for nice, inexpensive, fine crafted silver jewelery. { and no I do not work or am affiliated w/PENELOPE} I am just a fan of the customer service and there mechandise. O.k. to the story. Earlier this month {October] after already having the G.C. since June and making numerous attempts to find something at either location and not finding a thing close to the $25.00 I finally decided that if I was to use this certificate and not waste my friends money that I was going to have to add money to buy something. I found a pair of simple silver 12mm bead type. {nothing special at all} that were $37.00. The same pair at Penelope $14.99. I added the extra and paid the difference with my debit card. A few weeks went buy and I had not even opened the bag or even taken them out of the original tissue paper that the salesclerk had wrapped them in. I decided that it was ridiculous to pay that much for them, so I went to the Willow Lawn location and spoke with the sales clerk. I was honest and explained to her the situation and how I just didnt really care for the style of jewery that they carried and just simply wanted to have the difference that I spent added back to my credit card and have another $25.00 G.C. issued and to leave it blank so that I could give it to someone else that might actually like the store. The salesclerk told me they did not give refund sonly store merchandise. I asked her were it was stated because I was not aware of this.