What a horrible company. Sub-standard service, sub-standard treatments and sub-standard conditions. At first glance this company looks good, on a second glance or "" visit"", this company is a disaster. All they care about is the $$$. Not the customer or the service. They do not seem to know how to properly schedule appointments so you do not end up waiting at least 20 minutes for your ""scheduled appointment"". Furthermore it is not uncommon for them to call you to change your appointment time do to some conflict, which results in a major conflict for you, as they say you must stay on your time schedule for the best results. They offer a 2 year guarantee and now I know why! Do your research and find a reputable and honest laser hair removal center. A center affiliated with a dermatologist, who knows about skin and hair and has real before and after pictures. Not just pictures from an airbrushed brochure. I learned my lesson the hard and very expensive way.
Pros: none at all
Cons: a horrible choice