OK, I've eaten here twice. Everyone is acting like this restaurant is GREAT. 5280 Magazine called it one of the town's 10 best. I JUST DON'T GET IT. The emperor has no clothes -- the place is more about style than food, that's for sure. The owners must be paying someone off for the positive reviews! The place is way too pricey -- you really should get a better meal for the prices they are charging. The drinks are tiny and incredibly expensive. My well cocktail which might have cost $4-5 somewhere else was $8 here and VERY TINY. A basic sandwich is $15 or more. Although the staff is very nice and responsive, honestly, the only reason to go here is if you enjoy being in a trendy place. And even if that's your goal, you could do a lot better at just about any place along Broadway.
Pros: Friendly staff, cool room.
Cons: Prices, quality of food, over-hyped.