I can only rate this facility for its Pre-K program. When inquiring as to the availablity of registering our child with little acres, the owner informed us that she DID NOT take pre-registrations. What is up with that? She told us that she preferred to have an open enrollment on the 24th of March that WOULD require a parent to camp out at their facility overnite to secure a spot in the pre-k program. I asked her if I could simply pay a fee ($100) to go ahead an circumvent this process, she said ""if you care about your child's future, you would be willing to sacrifice a night of camping out to ensure it"". I can speak from experience that pre-k is not the gateway to the Ivy League, so she must think quite highly of herself and her teachers. I think that the owner is a sadist who enjoys thinking that she has the market cornered on pre-k in the immediate area. Maybe so, but their will be others soon. We will be driving about 1 mile past her facility to start our daughter on her way to the Ivy League somewhere else.
Pros: poor management
Cons: not exactly my idea of educated staff