I would not recommend this office by any means. I recently started a treatment for a skin disease at his office. I had to clear up a few insurance matters and trying to talk with the women in the front office is a complete joke. They are very inconsiderate and quick to get you off of the phone. I asked if there was any alternative to the treatment I was receiving (which I know there is, and it is a lot cheaper) and I could hear him in the background saying, ""ahh, no"". He didn't even have the courtesy of getting on the phone to talk with me and instead, he just relayed his ""yes""/ ""no"" questions through the morons in the front office. Also, everytime I went into the office for treatment (2-3 times a week), he had so many people in the waiting room that I felt he was just puttin people through his ""assembly line"" medical practice. There are many others in the area that are a lot more receptive to the patient's needs.