our anniverssery was yesterday 09/16/2006 . we choose this romantic place like some said ,""vincent restaurant"" in the center of minneapolis downtown. the first they had no hostess by the door welcoming us ,we had to go the stand ,and for first time visitor ,""you job to look for her or him to set you "". after that we wait in the table for about 15 minnute for the wittress to take the order from ;but we didn't mind because we were excepecting the exelent frensh cuisine .and worse come when the food show up ,relly it has nothing to do with frensh cuisine ,after when we left ,i relise that people pay$$$$$$ for the word of french cuisine not for food of french cuisine.my suggestions to the chef ,as someone who been in lot of places in france and eat in a lot of places their ,you need to go learn more about french cuisine as well as moroccan cuisine""on your way"" .not worthy at all.