We used Dr. Riggan when he was at Brykerwoods in Austin and it was very affordable. Unfortunately, now that he has his own ofifce the prices are SKY HIGH and the staff tries to push un -ncessary services and products. \r
We were also overcharged when we took another dog there for emergency services and saw another vet though he just needed a stitch. They found a dead tick on him (I had just appplied Frontline and were fostering this dog for a local rescue), saved it showed it to my husband and sold him all this Frontline for all of our dogs convinicing him it was necessary. Not only were we stuck with four packs of Frontline but it was triple the price I payed online! and we were charged an extra "emergency" charged even though we called first to make an appt. since it wasnt an emergency but we needed to get him in on a Sat....\r
We definatley cant afford Dentals or anything with their prices and they push un nessary vaccinations, etc. which is something Dr. Riggan didnt push when