i'm a regular at steuben's (i'm addicted and find myself there at least 3 times a week). i love the bar, the dining room and takeout (curbside when i'm felling lazy or want to drive up in sweat pants)! i've been going to steuben's since they opened last year and they don't have a server or bartender that i don't know by name or who doesn't know me by mine, so when i read the review by the person who had negative feelings about the service i could only wonder what could have gone wrong!?! steuben's floor staff is remarkable, because each server, bartender and manager that you may interact with brings a piece of their personality with them to work with them. not like most restaurants where your server interacts with you by corporate standards or answers your questions by rote! i've even seen chefs make table visits at steubens. i can only imagine if a person had such an ""off"" experience that it was the rarest of fluke or perhaps a misunderstanding because i have never heard from anyone i've turned on to steuben's even remotely a similar incident, and i know i haven't had one. there are a few servers and bartenders with dry senses of humor, which i suppose to a newcomer may seem sarcastic but they are all so good natured i'm certain it is all in good fun. as a regular who loves, loves, LOVES steuben's i beg you to try again. because the food is fantastic but the service is what i go back for time and again!
Pros: awesome people, great food, lots of fun
Cons: none!