I have lived at Centre Oaks for over 4 years & am very happy here. The staff is friendly, the maintenance is very thorough, and the grounds & landscaping is excellent. They are older apts. but kept in excellent shape. I have lived in 3 different apts. in the complex , I was happy with all of them & only moved because of increased(and decreased) pay. My air conditioner went out on me one hot Saturday night about 11pm, left a message on the complex's voice mail, the maintenence man showed up 20 mins. later. The unit was shot & the next day was Sunday & he could't get another till Monday morning. He got a unit out of an empty apt, switched them out, & had my air back on an hour after he got there. The previous poster had problems with a downstairs apt because the floor of the apt upstairs squeeked. Unfortunatley this is a problem any downstairs apt over 3 years old is going to have but I'm in a downstairs now but the guy upstair is hardly there except to sleep so I hardly ever here his footsteps. I used to live in another old comlex downstairs no well maintained & a heavy set woman lived above me who was an insomniac & paced back & forth every night & keep me awake. I feel very safe here & it's pretty quiet too.