Very good shop. The staff was very knowledgeable and polite. They were very patient in answering all my questions, even took me to the shop and showed me and explained in detail what was wrong and not wrong with my car. They were honest and didn't try to sell me things I didn't need, rather gave me a report and their recommendations. As I know little of the technical stuff, they could have sold me a big repair job, but they recommended to try stage one before plunging into stage two of the repair, which turned out to the the right decision, which saved me more than 50%.
Very good service and not crowded during weekdays. I went for a brake inspection, they charged $36 for it where in some other places you can get it for free (although you won't get the same quality service--I know because I had it done in one of those free places and they damaged my brakes and refused to own up the problem). The inspection was done in less than 30 minutes (the mechanic had to delay his own lunch time