The positive reviews about Volente Beach on this site appear to be bogus, as they were all written within a very short time period in 2005. Looks like someone posted a bunch of reviews to try to beef up business.
Let me assure you that this place is not worth your time or money. It is a complete rip-off, with very little to do and prices that are ridiculous. My family got bored with this place very quickly, as they only have one pool for anyone over about 4 years old, and exactly three short "slides". The "beach" portion is poorly maintained and actually a little dangerous given the broken glass strewn around.
I had read a number of poor reviews but allowed my kids to talk me into going. Big mistake. A few bucks more would have gotten us into Schlitterbahn, an experience that would have been better for everyone. My kids were quite disappointed in the experience.