We had called ahead a couple of days and made a reservation but yet when we got there, which was 10 minutes before our scheduled time obviously because we knew we had to fill out paperwork we still had to wait. We didn't start riding until an hour after our scheduled time. Then we had told them that my mom had a bad back and wanted a horse that was pretty calm and wouldn't do to much damage so they suggested a certain horse for her. We paid for the guide for an hour but I timed it and she only guided us for 30 minutes before she left us on our own. But once we were on our own the horses did not want to listen to us at all and instead brought us back to camp. Once the horse that my mom was on sees the camp it starts racing off not listening to my moms commands, we're also not newbies at riding we've been riding for years. It was very terrifying to see my mom go flying and even from a distance away I can hear my mom yelling out for help and went flying by some guy doing some yard work and he didn't even flinch and try to save her. My mom ended up flying off the horse and it took a while for someone to come out get to her and they did very little to make sure she was okay. And then to be told by the guide that that same horse has taken off like that before with her left me baffled. We had paid for 2 hours and even after my mom had fallen off the horse they refused to at least give us a refund for the hour she literally couldn't ride. I understand there's no refunds but seriously. I decided to try to go out and ride myself with a different horse because my first horse wasn't listening that well either. But even the second horse didn't want to listen and started bucking so I said .. it and let him take me back to camp where they gave me a third horse but once we passed the first gate the horse literally wouldn't move for a solid 10 minutes and was forced to turn him around and head back to the camp, on the way back I passed a guide walking a different group who told me that that horse hates going past the gate. I still had another hour left but after what happened with my mom and the horses not listening I decided to go home and had to bring my mom to urgent care. I should have read the reviews before driving 40 minutes to this place. They clearly don't know their horses all that well considering the horses they decided would be best to pair us with.