I wondered if everyone was screened when they hired on because it seemed that everyone had such a caring spirit from the minute I walked in. All of the nurses have been concerned about my care and my recovery. The nurses and techs watched over my care closely and made sure I got things timely. Nurse Comfort was always proactive and showed up right on time. Heather would work with me on the weekends. She helped care for me physically, mentally and emotionally. She was always there for me and I appreciate her. In fact, every nurse that I had were great, but those two stand out the most. The therapy team, Glesson and Paul could tell when I needed to get out of my room and go outside. They would take me out for fresh air. They made me feel like people really cared. Housekeeping, dietary, and every other department has been courteous and kind. I never thought a hospital stay could be such a blessing. If I ever had to be in a hospital for an extended amount of time, this is the place!