The quoted price $149+$$29.99 OK: Next overfull charge $120, Next Hydro flush $299, Next Bio cleaner $179 three jugs luckily I stopped him @3 jugs since he tried to dump in 6 jugs ..TOTAL $778.80 WOW, CHEAT, UP SELL, Next day my neighbor used .. of Palmento for $350 for the same kind of job as mine. I learned my lesson and so will KROGER, PUBLIC, MY CHURCH 3K members, CLUB HOUSE, my EMPLOYEE LUNCH ROOM BULLETIN BOARDS DELTA taught me on my employment that ONE complaint against DELTA will be repeated 55 times on average ...sooo treat "OUR" customers with much CARE. OH yes I included my local auto & tire shops & emissions tester shop bull . boards too! SO BE WARE OF CHEAT DEALS W/ BLUE SEPTIC ...DO NOT BE SCAMMED INTO ADD-ONS MY service was on Mar 06, 2018...THINK TWICE WHEN YOU CALL FOR A SEPTIC PUMP!!!!